Madison Cawein

The Cry Of Earth

THE Season speaks this year of life
Confusing words of strife,
Suggesting weeds instead of fruits and flowers
In all Earth’s bowers.
With heart of Jael, face of Ruth,
She goes her way uncouth
Through hills and fields, where fog and sunset seem
Wild smoke and steam.
Around her, spotted as a leopard skin,
She draws her cloak of whin,
And through the dark hills sweeps dusk’s last red glare
Wild on her hair.
Her hands drip leaves, like blood, and burn
With frost; her moony urn
She lifts, where Death, ‘mid driving stress and storm,
Rears his gaunt form.
And all night long she seems to say
’Come forth, my Winds, and slay!—
And everywhere is heard the wailing cry
Of dreams that die.
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