What is the gold of mortal-kind To that men find Deep in the poet’s mind! That magic purse Of Dreams from which
About the time when bluebells swin… Their elfin belfries for the bee And in the fragrant House of Spri… Wild Music moves; and Fantasy Sits weaving webs of witchery:
I oft have met her slowly wanderin… Beside a leafy stream, her locks b… Her cheeks a hectic flush, more fa… As if on her the sumach copse had… Or I have seen her sitting, tall…
I climbed a forest path and found A dim cave in the dripping ground, Where dwelt the spirit of cool sou… Who wrought with crystal triangles… And hollowed foam of rippled bells…
Sylvan, they say, and nymph are go… And yet I saw the two last night, When overhead the moon sailed whit… And through the mists, her light m… Each bush and tree doffed its disg…
The pink rose drops its petals on The moonlit lawn, the moonlit lawn… The moon, like some wide rose of w… Drops down the summer night. No rose there is
She walks with the wind on the win… When the rocks are loud and the wa… And all night long she calls throu… ‘O my children, come home!’ Her bleak gown, torn as a tattered…
Here is a tale for poets and for p… There was a bagpipe once, that whe… And droned vile discords, notes th… Nasal and harsh, outbraying all th… And then the thing assumed another…
What would it mean for you and me If dawn should come no more! Think of its gold along the sea, Its rose above the shore! That rose of awful mystery,
Great clouds of sullen seal and go… Bar bleak the tawny west, From which all day the-thunder rol… And storm streamed, crest on crest… Now silvery in its deeps of bronze
Ere wild-haws, looming in the gloo… Build bolted drifts of breezy bloo… And in the whistling hollow there The red-bud bends, as brown and ba… As buxom Roxy’s up-stripped arm;
Behold the blossom-bosomed Day ag… With all the star-white Hours in… Laughs out of pearl-lights through… That, leaning on the woodland wild… A sprinkled amber with the showers…
I, who went at nightfall, came aga… On Love’s door again I knocked.… He who oft had bade me in, now wou… Silence sat within his house; barr… When the slow door opened wide thr…
Rain and black night. Beneath the… The rushing Fork that roars among… Nothing is out. Nothing? What’s t… The long grey road upon the rain-s… A horseman! No! A mask! As hewn…
All the poppies in their beds Nodding crumpled crimson heads; And the larkspurs, in whose ears Twilight hangs, like twinkling tea… Sleepy jewels of the rain;