Nights of chuckling After no jokes And Dancing without nerves Become me
I find it funny That I raised myself From the cradle To the grave. I never got a chance to be a baby.
It’s over. It’s okay. The parting is such sorrow And relief. It hurts like a crushing force,
How can somebody Who loves to explore Be so afraid to leave?
I’m falling apart beneath my smile… I grapple blindly for a rope To save myself from rising waters. I come up, lungs full of despair, And my parents cover my mouth
So stealthily I lead: Touching green, Seeing rocks below me. I’m gulping pride Because I know life is
I cannot bring myself to cry. I can’t decide if this is a curse Or a blessing.
I dislike nothing more than Philosophy. How lazy.
Never give up on love, Though I’ve died a thousand times Just waiting. And I’ve hoped in the rain. So many times
While you were gone, My childhood dog died. I wept for both of you, And I felt like a corpse. While you were gone,
What you meant– What I meant When I said, “I love you.” What you meant to me Wasn’t what you said
In my daydreams, I used to be an acrobat, Flying through air Into capable hands. In my dreams,
Courage was not letting your broth… But preferring to die From their snide remarks Which shadow prejudice’s unkind da… What happened when they grew up?
I was born of the Virgin Mary, Given life to rid earth of evil. Blood on my hands, Dirt on my hands, I’m akin with Christ Himself.
You know, I miss you both Like I miss my childhood blanket That I wonder idly about.