I sing of a new carol Which starts silly giggles As a speeding blue carriage Runs merrily through the dark.
Farewell to friends, The kind that push. The word constantly bends. I live a life of isolation. While others play in their bubble…
Last year seems years away. Last night seems lifetimes away. This moment seems like a dream.
The devil’s in my midst.
You’re bleeding down my legs, Tangling me up in your fingers. I want to run my nails down your b… And sigh in your ear.
Someone’s teaching me to give up. It’s like unrequited love, But we’ll break up in the end. I’m showing myself to give up When I see how I fall asleep in c…
The grass was dewy. You carried me on your back. I could feel your heartbeat Through your shirt. I wanted you to be mine,
That red ribbon is so wrinkled. Rouge like blood Or rushing anger Or a blaring stop sign. It’s crumpled:
Moon up, Pants down. I said no. His body said yes.
I’m silently screaming Alone in the bathroom. The tears of a sinner Won’t let my fears go. I’m suddenly drowning.
What does it feel like on the day… Does it hurt? Today, I have just realized that, And it burns. It has burned the piece of my hear…
Mom, I miss you, And I’m miserable. I miss grandma, And I’m so lonely. I miss being a kid.
I wish I could tell my brother That I loved him, But the words are tight in my thro… And I’m a coward. I wish I didn’t say “thank you”
I lost my innocence On a king-sized sheet With four posters And the two of us. Just the two of us
You ruined me. How could you? You’re my mother. You were supposed to be strong. Not me.