I cannot bring myself to cry. I can’t decide if this is a curse Or a blessing.
Sam said, “Get over it.” As if I could Just climb a tree. Sam said,
If only My tears were colors. There would be pink on my pillow And green on my shoes. There would be red on the paper
Oh, such a sweet fool. I once thought love Was reigning savior. So, so foolish. I once believed love
Am I incurable? It seems so. I’m an incorrigible invalid Of the heart.
He touched my knee (now I’m in lo… No time for breath ('cause I’m in… He likes my hair (now I’m so lost… No time for speed ('cause I’m in… He gave me truth (now I’m so free…
Smile your baby smile and please l… I know I love you, but haven’t yo… Twinkle and shine and don’t ever c… You warm me like a fox in a fox’s… Light of my life and you gave me t…
Why do I still feel guilty About things That are out of my favor?
It’s over. It’s okay. The parting is such sorrow And relief. It hurts like a crushing force,
You don’t ask me to speak. You never expect my opinion. I was your second child In a runaway marriage. I suppose I loved you once,
What you meant– What I meant When I said, “I love you.” What you meant to me Wasn’t what you said
He thinks I’m pretty And maybe too witty, That I was worth the fight. He claimed he’s so glad. I’m the best he’s ever had.
Last year seems years away. Last night seems lifetimes away. This moment seems like a dream.
You were the devil. I knew it before you did; And I was St. Mary With clouds trailing behind me. I gave you my virtue
I’m falling apart beneath my smile… I grapple blindly for a rope To save myself from rising waters. I come up, lungs full of despair, And my parents cover my mouth