M Genth

To cope with Anne Sexton

Anne Sexton felt the need of religion.
Oh starry, starry night, I am well with indecision,
For that is my nature, to gaze at the fork,
To float in a windful sea of waves in a cork,
Seated gazing at that sexton’s starry, starry,
Sky, that she borrowed from Vincent.
I take from her and pass on, my intent.
Starry-eyed people that carries our hope
I carry on, tootling, persisting, I try to cope!

I empathize fully with Sexton and Plath. Still alive...For my Lover Returning to His Wife, recorded in her own voice, brings me to tears before she tells anything. Such a lucid sad bittersweet strength!

#AnneSexton #coping #emphaty #perspective

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