less traveled path
My primogeniture may not be whole Down to Cape, it could be South p… Same chill of kin, different pengu… My ignorance is wider than The distance
Um tiro no escuro A shot in the dark Next time I’ll shoot you in the m… Said the man, empty handed, But not out of resources,
We aspire, leave, walk, and run, And yet, some feel like drowning. Return an assumed impossibility . Road runs asunder under our feet, The devil’s beneath in synchronici…
To wash away this pain, carry out… Don’t come in vain, I am being mercilessly slain But that’s OK, As explicitly was shown, they may.
Cada dia que vivo no es querido No sé solidworks, no sé mecano, ni… Y aún así y aquí el clavo Una oración, una canción, no sé P… Ignoro a Gymp, After Effects, pe…
considering the history of modern mathematics two questions at once arise: (1) what limitations shall be placed upon the term Mathematics; (2) what force shall be assigned to the word ...
Beyond some pain and distress Lies a world of unending sorrow So profound, so inlaid, it comes with music. One never gets acoustomed
Rage against love songs Hope they are murdered by Tongs While I live as a pariah of mysel… Dusty old manuscript lost in a she…
The slithery or the pussy, the rea… Giving knowledge and fire to their… Praising for the death of a dubiou… Setting the stage for the real con… Not original, namely an argument o…
Your stood by me more times than… You gave me the urge to live only… you My friend stood as my blank point, No blank slate could erase you fro…
Regret, pain, incessantly Pain under all joy Pain like Pain Pain my Cold Mountain,
They don’t own me, I keep telling Sadly their guild does, owes my fu… And all I do is write and hearing… They don’t owe me, you gently expl… And so many steps remain to really…
« Je me trompe peut-être, mais le ça, le moi, le surmoi, le moi idéal, l’idéal du moi, le processus secondaire et le processus primaire du refoulement, etc. – en un mot les grandes mach...
All of my Sorrows renewed Into unwanted tomorrows From the ashes of dream and desire Into little nothings of rage, emot… How small and insignificant our au…
The void cannot be full of blood Arms and hands, legs and heads. The head is full of electric storm… We wish our foes to be beheaded. Colours fill the extensive world o…