M Genth

slavery whithout the beneficts

Except their piano in the last centuries,
Much to put up on a scene of happy little things

The slithery or the pussy, the real fire benders
Giving knowledge and fire to their descendants,
Praising for the death of a dubious god
Setting the stage for the real contenders.
Not original, namely an argument of Mindscape
That’s what you get to hear the sage’s out of NDAs
Admitting that the hero of imaginary Eden
Would be, or the woman, or the cold blooded one.
I bet on the woman, and, Sociological illation
Madonna matriarch, who’s Plutarch, talk about family,
Can you surpass such suffered creatures, sensibility with beauty,
And 1 million years to develop the nuances you cannot grasp?
Maybe I must know more male humans, or get a referee...
By now I see the power of the male, and the superiority of the female,
So long hiden and in disguise, eons of slavery whithout the beneficts,
Praised as Madonna and yet beaten, humiliated
And yet robbed in their achievements.
I see myself as an admirer as well as an offender,
Totally dependent on their qualities and skills,
A simple soul that hasn’t learned to pay his bills.
Although trash comes in many envelopes, multi form,
I would say that I had the sister’s revenge,
Better than the condescending way of the poor male,
That few have I meet strong enough to admit the existence of I,
The sophist and the rhetorical,  the warrior and the sage, the madman
The ultimate resistance, the force of an endless will, the need of the kill.
A league forged in the highest liars, the highest deception,  opponents,
Till this day alive not by choice but by indifference and lady luck.
All your offers, all your coercion, all your money, all your false love,
I made a pair of socks and send them in a pigeon, or maybe a dove
Not peace, not understanding, real conscience of the self,
The K2 you have not climbed, the kid you have not killed, anybody else.
Atheist, protected by the lesser more interesting gods
Wicca unknown witches from bad Hex.
Not giving a shit for what’s coming next,
As I always said, to get my spirit, enter the line,
Resistance and hidden power Flows from my indomitable spine.
I bathed into Giant Blues like Rigel,
Absorbed the Lyceum and its shockwaves
Accepted that the path of excess leads to the palace of knowledge,
That is not a medal but a cross heavier than most,
See through Kant’s Grundlehre as a desperate attempt of foundations,
Foundations out of philosophy, Physics, Epistemology, Neurology,
Foundations beyond language and its puzzles,
And at last, confronted with myself and the other,
Once more acknowledged that the restraints of disciplinary thought,
Are obstacles to the real, venom in a meal, worthless in a steal.
Arrived Kunh, Dewey, Rorty, Gadamer and Wittgenstein, Jurgen Habermas,
They are mages trapped into their incantations, and society runs ahead,
Free of interpretations, out of norms and forms, and all you are, all you see
Is a mere apparent coercion, faschism raising, white supremacy, black prejudices
Not more than a child developing his mannerisms, excentricities, his vices.
As I have not a bad feeling about A. I.,
I’ll say it is today the protheses of my burned neurons,
Fuck neuro plasticity, you now how it comes?
I simply forgot as I forget the sea and its ictiology,
And the simple act of searching in so many repositories of things passed
Activates the memory more than 80%, before these data are accessed,
The brain, blocked by stress and stuff, responds. So you need cloud data,
But mostly, your brain only needs some specialities, equations, values
Those our net is already capable of providing.
I am saying this, Elan Musk is correct most of the time,
Noam Chomsky analises current geostrategis like no one,
And as concerning the Usage panel, Steven Pinker is,
As important as Antonio Guterres, a very capable leader.
May I finished what in the unending story, with the strength of Physics
The wonder, outstanding models of mathematics, maybe discrete,
The necessity of a larger LHC, development of radio astronomy,
Augmented reality, Conectome, integration, Generation Alpha,
With the mortal danger of right wing or collateral effects of dqalpha.
In all moments of our endeavor we were assuming a risk.
The path may lead to Alethea but all its verses are mist.
Cold, humid, full of Gargoyles, Chimeras, the fake fate,
All the topology of the universal wave function that may not survive
The evolution of the paradigm of collective intelligence
All of us may die in the blink of an eye, without saying goodbye.
Wich, by this means, I
have solemnly declared, goodbye cebollas, do not dry.
Tiengo la mirada triste and also the roll of that fucking Lady Luck dice...
That daily bowl of rice, not twice but three times
My body a deformity,  a sad joke
Of skeleton
My inertia
The Planck’s constant
Higgins Field
Quantum decoherence
Multiverse, weakly interacting massive particles
Like us
The many worlds theory
Or Susskind’s sympathy
Today, in the realm of Puritans,
Accepting US and Brexit as fate,
Continental philosophy was closer to the apex.
Everyone accepts that either Gilgamesh Epic, The Iliad or the Bible are all collages,
Palimpsests are more
Do not accept lore
Without an educated guess
Always further away,
If anyone may, except Super Mainframes further away.
Über allen Gipfeln
Ist Ruh’,
In allen Wipfeln
Spürest du
Kaum einen Hauch;
Die Vögelein schweigen im Walde
The question is, would you have  any chance to rest?
Warte nur, balde Ruhest du auch(?)
Dices and vices, its arrow points
Like  a cup, a needle magnetized,
"Might and wrong combined, like iron magnetized, are endowed with irresistible attraction"
Do we have a neXus , an adjoint?
Altre opere di M Genth...
