M Genth

Sistemic domination

Ant Elephant Sicophant

Such bliss such amazing honor
Such sentiment, it is too much
Narcotics anonymous, picked, a trap
My narcotics were not anonymous
Cocaine, mdma alcohol after its antonyms
Never hide behind my means of deception
The difficult bath, irreprochable port
Studying, reading, paying attention
An everyday fight, things not right.
Yes a first time, a "trahison" , live impromptu.
After the genuine applause the planned attack
That all things and feelings were disproportionate
That substances made all bigger and artificial
If that essayed pawn of an orator were right
If that strategy was aiming the target, my hubris,
Strange that 15 years passed, closed in a room
Nine years clean of all you pointed and more
I still feel huge, sensitive
Dissonant, detached like once was the boy
At five, eleven, twenty four, thirty three, thee,
As the walls are closing and the hangman
Arriving in cloths of peace to perform the ritual
Socialization, infused with post modern ideas
My distance grows each day,
Not for being different or suffered, victimized.
I was the author, of my atrocities or tenderness
Alienated consciousness, always under scrutiny
In a psychologist words, an incredible lucidity
Hence the necessity of that project of destabilizing that Sui generis behavior
Compensating excess with character and opinion
Maintaining most intellectual level, interest
But not in working, getting another degree,
Disappear among the masses of capable professionals of some trade or skill,
Turning into a slave of society like the best
Being measured in diplomas and sums
Possessions, projects, families, achievements voyages, pictures at an exposition, Mussorgky, Dmitri Kostakovitch
Prokovief crying by the second of Rachmaninov for piano and orchestra,
Today I still haven’t cried, maybe because of this anger
This avulsion to coercion, systematic domination
Fear and repulsion for the monster whose capabilities
I for mea culpa enhanced, boosting her obsession
Thy name nor thy parentesque here were not to be said
Your lies, your deceptions, your prosecution
Made the insensitive rock that one calls himself I
I continuing poor and isolated, prey of your abuse
I that could have terminated you when your aggressive temperament
Has not gone under the hood, playing the old victim
Nerves of steel, obsessive, the Great pretender
And I playing the bad son and irresponsible father
Letting the others looking at me like garbage
Or a cockroach in need of extermination.
You pick up all the difficult lives to make me feel I could join the flock,
To swim with the dolphins, drink the pleasure of the oeuvre done
You showed me everybody having an independent life
Except I understand what that independence means
And, as the one present at the fall of the Roman Republic
The wandering of the early philosophers
The rise of Guillermo de Occam
Misfortunes of Pierre D’Abelans
Ontological argument of Anselmo de Aosta
Don’t find a place where Her and I could ever fit.
The sun is descending over the horizon
And I, being poor and not bilateral.
I continue not having interest in those pleasures of life that were used to coerce me.
Why would anyone pay homage to Verdugos?
Why anyone that has deconstruct conscience and values, being aware of guilt as a weapon
Of children bio sculpted into future obstacles
When the city reconstructs all over me
How can I accept this golden cage
Measured, weighted, object of sensors
Mapped, provoque, my life artificial as a tube in a laboratory
From the stars we are born, the stars our destination,
Not a novel from Alfred Bester, not a romance
Yeats, Shelly or Tennyson, One has given all that away
And shall fight without reason and be judged for treason.
For humanity, You are losing me,
An ant and elephant a sycophant
Without making any difference on the whole
Nor to a fictitious family product of an obsession
Humans grow and some are healthy Countless adapt and I, a great pretender
Have given up all that abandon all paths
And seated inside a loop circle of my animalism
Seeing reality by a defective prism that causes the schism.
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