Reading about the Bloomsbury group using wikiwand
Considering the great admiration I devote to Virginia Woolf
Sensing some kind of liaison to Keynes, E. M. Foster extraordinary hand,
Their meetings, other participants like T S Eliot,
The Four Quartets repeatedly heard,
Declaimed by The Author or Alec Guinness
An unavoidable repetition,
A sedition of spirit
Sublimation of esthetics
Source of undesired nihilism
Reinforced by negative criticism
Enters me, settles and light its fire
The killer of desire that gives the mind for hire
Hope, had I, it would be relent to Xintu spirits
Or even to ambiguity married to indecision
Instead of Desolation
Inhabiting the darkening mansion
Of an immense solitude
Void of any fortitude.