M Genth

Dressed with the sun

“The brain is wider than the sea”

People love being ordered, Presbyterians,
Glorified work of Protestants in general.
People are an interesting field of study
Just maybe, cause... we are people too?
An alligator swings the Nile’s delta.
How many more years than womanity?
Alligators surely are ancient godlike beings,
But we do not crave on the beasts sexy life, or do we?
We do not, says the flamboyant lady above,
Well, all you pretty, gorgeous ladies have one.
No, don’t get me wrong ladies, opinion...
Opinion you always got one, not saying that!
Stop laughing! It is an argument!
I’m trying to say that we talk too much
With the nose inside our navel, umbilicus, you know.
You don’t know, or refuse to accept?
How ill-educated audience, full of doctors and masters...
So, does we study more ourselves or the crocodile?
You are entering in “The Nile”,
It’s about turning into ourselves all the time,
It us who do it, or the crocodile?
“The brain is wider than the sea”
But I haven’t discuss it much later,
Need to stand with a gavial in a crater...
It’s a different family, the gharial, fish eater.
Which one Looks into his backgrounds more,
Into his belly button?
Crocodiles eat, swim, perform the death dance,
And procreate a lot,
That’s a good thing, yeah?
Get their prey, mammal, bird or mate,
With such an elegant confidence...
You think you could prey in such elegant way?
Womanity rule all living things?
Divergently to monkey man,
Is one of the truthfully sentient beings?
And respects to all biodiversity?
With the only exception of a small
Portion of our spawn (only the offenders)
Except the enslaver of brothers
The matricidal, treacherous beast?
Of course, so where the workshop headed?
Yeah?  You say OK, that’s an aye?
Exception made?
Yes, Oué, settled! Yes, let’s roll.
Womanity respects every being
With the historically justified exception
Of Homo sapiens sapiens, how’s that?
We are honored to inform here and now
That a request at the Smithsonian,
British Academy of Sciences,
Well, several Institutions
Have been received a memorandum concluding
For the existence of a new species,
Separating from the main branch
Some centuries ago, say at least since Hellenic period
That approximately had begun about 7th century B.C.
It is called Mulier Sapiens Vixen.
Not the sex but the way of life matters.
You know “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?
It is not about the words and letters,
But a hidden manifesto, out on the open,
Influencing subliminally the bright and best kits,
The Vixen cubs with the awakening genome.
The official lemma of the new worldwide political party.
“The Quick Vixen jumps over the lazy dull, reynard”
The herald image resembles Firefox logo
But all in gold over light shine crimson,
A heptagonal shaped diamond on the top,
With a vulpes vulpes seated at each side.
After a different kind of intelligence, shape
Persistence, feeling, better humans on the make.
It certain, but undisclosed how many Mulier Sapiens Vixen,
Where, in fact males, hermaphrodites, transgenic, Drags and so one.
Older than Freemasons, we surfaced thrusting no one.
America is ours now, a lot of other countries,
Defended on Faraday’s cages and military grade
Bags, custom Tor distros, sha 8192, dark proxies
Are controlled ostensibly or behind flumes.
Like the wig guy of the phallic golden obsession.
The name of the tower is... shut up soldier, dear colleague.
“They algorithm too”, we have great expectations.
Mulier S Vixen has been here before Gilgamesh,
One of the known members, the chronicles of a coded trade.
“The quick golden vixen jumps the dull dog.”
An approximate translation made by Vixen
Legendary codename “jitterbug bulldog”
Amazing, if I were Only a guy I would sit and contemplate.
They lay down all the time anyway, not only when we say sit in here!
The lazy reynard dog runs trying and failing to elaborate.
That’s why reynard, deeply, love being ordered
Support hard dictatorships and authoritarians
Take positions easily accepting prejudices...
And historically discounted on women.
Those without the awakening suffered,
Abused, avulsed, afflicted, ablated, and underestimated.
Well I love you all, and congrats to the new world party!
Next week, the main theme is why,
Why are we at the irrefutable aurora of a new species?
Cut deep in their pride and joy!
Over and out.
“Et signum magnum paruit in caelo mulier amicta sole et luna sub pedibus eius et in capite eius corona stellarum duodecim”
Because we are the dust that will be given the stars to spread.
Dressed with the sun, feet above the moon,
Over her head a halo made of red dwarfs corona.
Embroidered in the deep blue sky, the Friedman equation.
Apareció en el cielo una gran señal: una mujer vestida del sol y con la luna
debajo de sus pies, y sobre su cabeza una corona de doce estrellas
On the way out they ignored a little prominence in the garden,
And one of them absently crushed a seven legged cockroach,
Thriving since Carboniferous, a hardly mutating species.
Ignored by all the participants, that one never had been sorry for itself.
Soon, while its antennas still moved, it was carried away by ants.

Written >4 years. I see it as positive, not satirical.

#allegoric #controversial #good-intended #inspiring

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