M Genth

« Je me trompe peut-être, mais le ça, le moi, le surmoi, le moi idéal, l’idéal du moi, le processus secondaire et le processus primaire du refoulement, etc. – en un mot les grandes machines freudiennes (y compris le concept et le mot d’inconscient) – ne sont à mes yeux que des armes provisoires, voire des outils rhétoriques bricolés contre une philosophie de la conscience, de l’intentionnalité transparente et pleinement responsable. Je ne crois guère à leur avenir. Je ne pense pas qu’une métapsychologie puisse résister longtemps à l’examen. On n’en parle déjà presque plus »

« déconstruction en indiquant dans quelle mesure la psychanalyse ressortit au règne du logos de la métaphysique occidentale tout en lui échappant »

I correlate these citations with Sein und Zeit, Paul Ricoeur and " Son œuvre constitue l’un des piliers de l’école dites de la « Théorie Française[63] ». Mais un “ rationaliste classique ”[64] comme Chomsky récuse complètement la pensée de Derrida " On va d’une absurdité à l’autre – stalinisme, existentialisme, structuralisme, Lacan, Derrida – les unes obscènes (le stalinisme) et d’autres simplement infantiles ou ridicules (Lacan et Derrida)" [65]. Derrida bénéficie d’une reconnaissance qui va au-delà du monde universitaire. Par exemple, le film de Woody Allen Deconstructing Harry (en 1997, traduit en français par Harry dans tous ses états) est une référence directe aux travaux de cet auteur—« référence » que Derrida jugera d’ailleurs pauvre et décevante au regard de la complexité de ce « concept ».

I do not agree.

I see as philosophie, since Tales de Mileto, trhough the Lyceum, a dream unfulfilled, the Patristic, over Sain Augustin, all those heterodoxies, the Gnose, a bomn entendeur...
We are shure that Gilgamesh epic Homer ouevre, " A epopeia eterniza lendas a um texto em versos, tais como a Ilíada e a Odisseia, os quais têm a sua origem nas lendas sobre a Guerra de Troia. Mais tarde Aristóteles definiu as regras da epopeia a partir da Ilíada, a Odisseia, sendo que estas regras têm de ser cumpridas à risca para serem consideradas uma obra épica.
A epopeia pertence ao gênero épico. Embora tenha fundamentos históricos, não representa os acontecimentos com fidelidade ; geralmente reveste os acontecimentos relatados com conceitos morais e atos exemplares que funcionam como modelos de comportamento, além de atribuir um caráter quase divino ao herói. ”

As so with the Universals, the proofs of the existence of Gods or a single God, Geometry is much more consistence.
We love to send the angels dance on the head of the nail.
Derrida is a great personality.
So are Hegel, Husserl, Habermas, but the man, trying to return to itself, only finds the vacuity of his empty interior (Gehlen)
Then the reaction of the analytical philosophy...
I was born and bred in Continental Construct, and admire the Anglo Saxon Culture more for its achievements in Computer Science, Theater, Applied technologies like Quantum multi core parallel processing gifts that have shaped humanity.
Iambic pentameter, 18, 60, 73, do you know the Petrarch related polysyllables (10), decasylables sonnets of Luis Vaz de Cames ?

https ://youtu.be/5LHSXXqbtQkh
(Basic notions about Lyric poetry by Luis de Cames in Pt-hBR)

Um mover d’olhos brando e piadoso, Sem ver de quê ; um sorriso brando e honesto, quási forçado ; um doce e humilde gesto, de qualquer alegria duvidoso ;
Um desejo quieto e vergonhoso ; um repouso gravíssimo e modesto ; a pura bondade, manifesto indício da alma, limpo gracioso ;
Um escolhido ousar ; a brandura ; um medo sem ter culpa ; um ar sereno ; um longo e obediente sofrimento :
Esta foi a celeste formosura da minha Circe, e o mágico veneno que pôde transformar meu pensamento.

About the power of alienating of the feminine...

Returning to the Occidental philosophical tradition, from Occams Razor, Baruch Espinosa to The Ethica more Geometrico Demonstrata, indirectly related to works like Kelsen in Rheine RechtsLehre, all them searching, Like Max Weber and his naíve Positivismus, one Ultima Ratio.

Anne Sexton says, putting tears in my eyes not one but so many times, I that I am no good...

For My Lover, Returning To His Wife

She is all there. She was melted carefully down for you and cast up from your childhood, cast up from your one hundred favorite aggies. She has always been there, my darling. She is, in fact, exquisite. Fireworks in the dull middle of February and as real as a cast-iron pot. Let’s face it, I have been momentary. A luxury. A bright red sloop in the harbor. My hair rising like smoke from the car window. Littleneck clams out of season. She is more than that. She is your have to have, has grown you your practical your tropical growth. This is not an experiment. She is all harmony. She sees to oars and oarlocks for the dinghy, has placed wild flowers at the window at breakfast, sat by the potter’s wheel at midday, set forth three children under the moon, three cherubs drawn by Michelangelo, done this with her legs spread out in the terrible months in the chapel. If you glance up, the children are there like delicate balloons resting on the ceiling. She has also carried each one down the hall after supper, their heads privately bent, two legs protesting, person to person, her face flushed with a song and their little sleep. I give you back your heart. I give you permission—for the fuse inside her, throbbing angrily in the dirt, for the bitch in her and the burying of her wound—for the burying of her small red wound alive—for the pale flickering flare under her ribs, for the drunken sailor who waits in her left pulse, for the mother’s knee, for the stocking, for the garter belt, for the call—the curious call when you will burrow in arms and breasts and tug at the orange ribbon in her hair and answer the call, the curious call. She is so naked and singular She is the sum of yourself and your dream. Climb her like a monument, step after step. She is solid. As for me, I am a watercolor. I wash off.
Philosophy washes off.
Although it is still the Apex of human search for we don’t know what,
A search made intelligible by J. Clark Maxwell set of equations, explaining color, influencing Art and poetry, technologies and politics...

My point is that there is no point, only the vain effort, like Rodin’s Sculpture, of standing a charge that is by nature unsustainable.

CERN, ATLAS, LHC and SETI, Alma Observatory,

I say ALMA cause so much ink has gone under a bridge made of fear in a handful of dust, as T.S Elliot, masterfully expressed in the Four Quartets,

(https ://drive.google.com/open ? id=0B_tM0TMFaAg0STBodV9wVjBpc0U)

Where is more science and phenomenology that in most Physics or Philosophy departments published papers.

We are the sense of everything,

Only the conscientiousness flux brings motivation to activists like that little courageous Swedish, Billie Eilish or the Bremen Musicians.

Bebe Rexta may be a Ferrari, but some are other fast cars...

The best Podcast of the moment, MINDSCAPE, from one of the greatest pedagogues of our era would not be possible without the distinguished guest that nourish our souls and give us resilience to fall and still rise for answers to questions not yet asked.

Love and GIT may be the key, but someone said, once, “ I got a pocket full of keys that have no bounds...”

In a Time of focus ans specialization, fragmentation of knowledge, From the Pacific Islands to the Steps of the North, The permafrost melting, Sustainability and Circular economy, a Black Wedding here and there...

Only the soul that doesn’t interact with Higgins Field, has no weight or relates to plank constant...

https ://physics.unc.edu/laura-mersini-houghton-planck-mapping-project-multiverse-theory/,

Mersini-Houghton dares to go forward,

Nicolas Grifith, Neal Stephenson, the one of the overlap of cities, that admirer of Periwinkle Sphinx, David Brin, Anne Mccaffrey, Heinlein and Ursula Le Guin and Atwood are avatars of Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Cyrano de Bergerac, Galileu Galilei and all those we bring closer to our hearts of dreamers and curious incoherent ethereal structured clash of stellar born particules, revering Phi or 18036 as magical anti metaphysical numbers,
We paradoxes made flesh and something, suburbia so great that we have the courage to pick names and create gods.

In a line,

I align with hard sciences, recognize the reality of poetry and dream, ambition and frustration, and the unavoidable tessiture of broken hearts and unfulfilled love.

That is why Philosophy should play its incoherence in search of Alethea, the far shore of human conscientiousness.

Good Riddance.


3 hours ago
A Poison Tree

A Poison Tree
By William Blake
I was angry with my friend ;
I told my wrath, my wrath di
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3 hours ago
Anne Sexton
I open my pocketbook,
as women do,
and fish swim back and forth
between the dollars and the lipststick
Show complete
Nov 24, 2019
A touch of harmony:
Tchaikovsky Romance Op. 51 #5 Valentina Lisitsa

Thoughts refused by Reddit moderators that are uni language compelling, in a time of automatic translation.

#beyourself #dreams&tears #inconformism #interdisciplinarity #Occam #philosophy #physics #poetry razor's

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