Why are there non Euclidean geometries
Is as obvious as curved spaces,
Waves, and ondulations of planes like when the mantle pressures the crust.
Tsunami and earthquake
As Henry the fifth or alike,
Heads on a burned spike,
Why there are sentient beings, dolphins, apes, Orcas, whales.
That is object of another group of tales...
Why don’t we have more good tales
Except those to put fear into infants
Or those and the tusks, the reason we hunt the Elephant
Or destroy the ants
I cannot say this or that,
You call Siri or her cousins
And they answer by artificial intelligence
Informed nonsense
AGI, where are you, to support you
And all the times I wonder why
Do we still think they still don’t die...
Human needs do not apply
Nor to persons, nor sentiments why?
Why are we experts in crab bucket aptitude
And why rage comes more acutely with solitude?
Because I am in rage against those negating the Anthropocene Extinction
And in fury against those in extreme wealth
Das ist nur eine Erde, planete, eines Welt
Das Vöglein schweigen im Walde...
“Die Menschheit ist verloren, wenn wir nicht die Erde verlassen”