Rage born of solitude, outcast.
The morning is alive outside While inside time future waits lan… For personality to take a side, The quiet expiration or a moving n… Which is gaining ground in the for…
Loved and lost, it was a farewell, On the large backseat of my car Where our passion has gone too far I softly kissed her face and lips Knowing it was only a dream
As the memory is the faculty of fo… But not all in all, the last remai… I say it is subjectively occurring When your doubts about yourself ar… As certitude has sadly ended
They don’t own me, I keep telling Sadly their guild does, owes my fu… And all I do is write and hearing… They don’t owe me, you gently expl… And so many steps remain to really…
How you suck dry my will to live How you bring bottled despair For a project into your delusion, Because meddling with another rive… You can, getting a fake tourism ti…
He lost us for good. He’s gone Under the Hood. Actually, we have never reached hi… Consider, as Is, false All the above.
Reading about the Bloomsbury grou… Considering the great admiration… Sensing some kind of liaison to K… Their meetings, other participants… The Four Quartets repeatedly hear…
Seven o’clock and a bath delayed As indecision wins over the day Or maybe a stale is still on the w… The movie in background now makes… As another pretense to the purpose…
Cold slumber, Dark, Dark Hollow, Emptiness, Not easy to swallow,
Yesterday I heard I have a heavy… As time passes it grows heavier. Question, diversity around Xavier… As is the effort of not writing As is the effort of doing it right…
All of my Sorrows renewed Into unwanted tomorrows From the ashes of dream and desire Into little nothings of rage, emot… How small and insignificant our au…
Regret comes in many shapes and fl… Whispers and shouts, mute, empty l… Obligation denied, aesthetics refu… I lament and cry over letters not… Apologies and amends send by death…
Two roads in a Yellow wood, I have never decided, as I should Many roads as a man drive by Nothing palpable staying behind. Too many nights with a rat in my s…
It’s about a life no one had never… About perspective a lot, forget a… Subject to extended statistical an… A potent tool, crystalline in inte… Power to deal with some demented
Someone should stand to someone’s… The Falcon should go respectfully… There should be axiological princi… Pigs should have better living con… Cows should not die by the hammer…