(Mother, Don’t Read This.) On days overcast when the rain is… And the queen doesn’t growl in her… I’m so here in the now—so here in… Like when I was young, just first…
Basking in smut Like a shot to the head, Fingernails clean, doused in red Rather you’d wage your war instead Till every last one of your soldie…
Means Absolutely nothing To me. Always has. Always will.
(For when you are a man.) To my third child and second son, You may be the most inquisitive on… To answer the greatest of all conc… I love you more than fire burns.
“How do you say ‘I must’ in Angel… Oh yeah, you don’t. It’s just ins… So, the deal is That I have to suffer so everyone… It’s a stupid necessity.
Dreams are escape from the undergr… I overdose and write it down— Reality comes From all around; Look at this pretty flower I’ve f…
As in The ice petals of an orchid challenging an entire glacier comprised of all that enchanted the very same seed from which
I will— believe you to death oh, wondrous one! Till no one is left under the sun.
This puzzle is missing the weirdes… The eyes of the monkey. We appreciate your cooperation With our employees As they carry out their duties;
Until then, I can’t believe it’s less than a w… Have a good night; take care. I like the way I dress. Every vampire needs a guardian.
Raping paper and wasting ink Attempting to bag the bubbles I think, Or thunk—but I stunk or I think—that I stink—
Here they fucking come. For Christ’s sake, of course. Who else would they cum for? Licking their cellphone pops and walking into each other
You think? Real deep. Look again. Beware of bad synergy; Your friends are on the row—
Set inside a suburban puzzle Of which I solved 2 years prior. It’s a plain house. One point two. But not that I know of….
I am now In the midst of shaping shifts into riddled bits of cryptic myths