Lucinda Cayton

The Unseen

Good Tidings

The Unseen
Every time I’m shopping for a dress I am taken by garments of white
No, not for a wedding but for my Lord, Jesus Christ
As I touch upon the cotton and a little lace
It brings a smile to my face
Oh, but this is more money than I have or perhaps this is the wrong time in my life for such a garment to wear;
earthly blemishing’s that touch upon
In a world that is damned surely there is more that is unseen to believe in
People looking upon people as if they know all about them
Judgments; as hard as I have earnestly tried not to do this, I have too
Repentance, wondrous the beauty that comes from it
Our loving God only chastens to teach and the times... the things that break us
(The Potter Rev. 2:27)
Only for Him to make us better to serve Him
Isn’t it easy and pleasant to give honest words?
It doesn’t really matter how slow or fast you’ve walked
How many mountains you’ve climbed
to get to the point of understanding
He is there in the midst (here) and gentle and loving with strength and mercy uncomprehend able to His people that have faith until the end
Once, twice, more times than I can remember I prayed for a green pasture to rest
then I went into the middle of the wilderness camping for a month(years ago) to find it
Our journeys... though the struggle searching out the things in life
knowing if we seek Him we will find
It is written
Great joy and peace be with you this New Year
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