Tereza Lima

Forgiving: it's not always Possible.

Detach yourself-what’s not good for you. The detachment is know the time to go and let her go, and all this is essential in the life of any human being.
However, there are errors which we allow to be repeated and not take them an attitude, will be repeated.

The roads of life you will find other, which taking advantage of his inactivity, certainly will try [neglect] invade our lives, our privacy, and try to trace up to our destinations.
This can never be something left to the winds of life, take as if they were leaves and let its ramifications will be totally misplaced? the answer is no.

Jesus gave the other cheek, but we’re not the son of God, we are sinners in search of their destiny and ideals, as long as we act for our animal instincts.

Know well what should be doing, what path to be redirected to when trying to at the end of the bend in the road, have a disappointment of no return.

I ask God all the time to control my actions, because in the past I was a rebellious person, not valued what I got with my work.

After learning of the real problem of my son on his knees ready to the Sun of noon asked God to help me, forces and be able to help you. Understand and accept, is a difficult task, their status as a young man today, with six tumors in the brain, just a kidney, and so many other health problems, which concern God, me and his doctors.

I write to you, that it is written in a certain place, that the blame for my son’s illness.

The words bad maids, after spoken, written, condemn us.
Has Humanity, hold back, you never know the next day.
Life is not always can be likened to a Reality tv show,
so never sentiri me and never feel a


I know that everything is seen by the Lord My God.



Nãe é um Poema, apenas uma mensagem de uma Mãe, que está com o coração partido, ão ler um relato de uma mulher a qual acusou-me de molestar meu filho, e por esta razão o mesmo ficou enfermo. ainda não sei as providências a serem tomadas, pois justiça maior que a de Deus não existem.Saiba, tenho todo histórico da nossa caminhada, o quanto luto pela cura do meu filho.e das consultas de seus Médicos, juntamente com atestados com CID, e exames.

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