Be ye very careful,
most careful indeed.
Or like many gone before us
You fall into boredom.
Who finds solace in a screen,
and unmoved by what’s seen
becomes restless and cuts 'tween
his hands and torso?
You had best find excitement
in each waking breath.
You don’t rent this life.
You own until death.
Restlessness, okay.
Ambition’s today.
But boredom is decay
of a mind on the fray.
Are there boring situations?
You will have your mind.
Mind you, Church is toward
the restless kind.
You are only most guilty of all
when you let your excitement
and drive to fall
by the wayside.
I will tell you a little something—
There are no boring times,
no boring circumstances,
no boring situations, or even boring rhymes.
It is all your fault.
If you are bored,
It is because you are boring people.