I’m flying Lighter than air Swirling with autumn leaves Golden brown, Yellow,
The water Falls in a mellow harmony Helping me to clear my mind And direct the current of my thoug… I close my Eyes
This evening I look at the Sky I see a burst of magnificent colou… And I realize there’s something I Had not seen…
Words are slipping away From my lips Flooded with emotion I am As the mirage finally came to life
Tears rolling down my cheeks I am sad Tired, Of torturing my mind Wondering
Anxiety is dancing in my mind In a loud trance My fears Are rushing into my head How can I ever stop them?
What a beautiful rose in my garden I look at her And I remember Only her Can keep my secrets forever
How many times Can I take no for an answer? Knowing you want me But are too afraid to love Disapointment
A witch he thinks I am That a spell I’ve cast on him Through the delicous taste Of what I baked,
He is of the men you see eveyday A nice fellow working his way But you don’t know him like I do As what defines him is virtue You would’t believe how many times
Nothing particular to this shirt, Juste an old piece of fabric One might say But to me it’s a rare and precious item
The Lily of the Valley Blossoms beautifully Its fragance is light and fresh But poison runs through its veins, A dark side it surely hides
Every night I wonder Will you ever be my knight? It would make my heart pound To know that you’re mine The two of us flying, freed fom ou…
Everyday I worry I dread this coming month, September The milestone of our life The day our fate will be known
Of a Sunny yellow She wears a legendary name Growing at the place Narcisse had drowned From the own contemplation