
The Split Man sculpture represents the mental state of the dysfunctional human (here represented as a 30 year old). This human (male or female) is falling apart because he/she cannot or will not dedicate his or her life to one goal, consequently can’t create his/her true self, and, by failing to apply that true self, achieve self-realization. Failure to make the goal a reality results in en-darkenment, to wit, (energy) depression. Achievement of the goal results in en-lightenment, to wit, (energy) elation, and the experience of rapturous joy.

The Split Man sculpture represents the mental state of the dysfunctional human (here represented as a 30 year old). This human (male or female) is falling apart because he/she cannot or will not dedicate his or her life to one goal, consequently can’t create his/her true self, and, by failing to apply that true self, achieve self-realization. Failure to make the goal a reality results in en-darkenment, to wit, (energy) depression. Achievement of the goal results in en-lightenment, to wit, (energy) elation, and the experience of rapturous joy.
The Split Man wants to die, in fact, needs to die. He/she needs to return to his/her original state in order to recover his/her essential self, therefore his or her unique life purpose (read: dharma). It’s the 100% application of life purpose (or dharma) that leads to the experience of the true self.
Split Man, Victoria’s Way, Co Wicklow  Ireland                            
