#10 I awoke, dying in the night, gaspi… Left arm numb. Was this the total sum, Of a life?
#4 The day repeats, eat, sleep and mo… Black thoughts breach my defence Attack my citadel of sense. A cactus thorn, the stylus in my g…
In their infancy, my children suck… I had more children, who in turn,… As they increased, the love they b… But it got so much worse. They became jealous of the gifts…
You dropped me on the ice Vast expanse before me I was guided to the only building Defiant against the cold The glittering marbled ice blue fr…
#12 Higher purpose? Fooled by my ears. Try to buy the vision in mind’s ey… Hire purchase!
#21 To reach equilibrium A pilgrimage first to the place Of broken things. To pick the bones of lamentation.
#32 Dreaming’s not so bad Except it’s lucid. It’s unreal unless, of course, I… Scurrying spiders, slow to dissolv…
#23 My love is like the countless star… That fascinate eternally. Unlike the moon it never wanes It’s full by beating heart’s decre…
#16 Window sun warms my face, Gently spreading happiness Heating embers of happier times. I close the blinds to shut it off.
#15 Looking for a meaning, Sifting the sand of time, Searching for a turning point, An epiphany, a fork in the road.
#18 I lagged behind the museum guide,… languid in the drowsy heat of an I… The achievement of empires lay aro… Reduced to curios.
#22 My throat tightening fast The wooden barrier Constricting my passage Heaving, wretching, wretched
Expect and Want I dwell on living’s dos and don’ts… I want to shove them down the thro… I won’t stop at wearing purple, I… Ten miles high across the sky,
#27 Heart beat slowed now tasting time passing seeing the co… It flows. Interior life, restrictive and exp…
#7 The fickle finger drags it’s nail… And mocks me with the mirage of lo… They dance on my horizon, double d… Unappetising.