#27 Heart beat slowed now tasting time passing seeing the co… It flows. Interior life, restrictive and exp…
#13 Melancholy cradles me yet Folded in arms of gentle sorrow. My baleful companion through the y… You were always there for me.
#10 I awoke, dying in the night, gaspi… Left arm numb. Was this the total sum, Of a life?
#21 To reach equilibrium A pilgrimage first to the place Of broken things. To pick the bones of lamentation.
#7 The fickle finger drags it’s nail… And mocks me with the mirage of lo… They dance on my horizon, double d… Unappetising.
#30 The clouds hung lowly like a shrou… That covers fracking in the shale When all at once my eyes beheld The posts of eerie tall turbines
#12 Higher purpose? Fooled by my ears. Try to buy the vision in mind’s ey… Hire purchase!
#15 Looking for a meaning, Sifting the sand of time, Searching for a turning point, An epiphany, a fork in the road.
#23 My love is like the countless star… That fascinate eternally. Unlike the moon it never wanes It’s full by beating heart’s decre…
#9 Today I moved a jumbled pile of c… That had lain so lazy for so long. Underneath there lay a simple choi… A family photograph of happy times…
#22 My throat tightening fast The wooden barrier Constricting my passage Heaving, wretching, wretched
#19 As the leaf unfurls it’s life into… So to do we bend ourselves in poin… Life’s energy poured into a pensio… Insurance meant to last the span.
#26 The problem is I cared too much And those who didn’t care are fine… So many jobs at last too much, They let me and they kept their mi…
#32 Dreaming’s not so bad Except it’s lucid. It’s unreal unless, of course, I… Scurrying spiders, slow to dissolv…
#14 I tread water, weary in the waking… Inflate myself against the swell a… My salt, lost in the overwhelming… Tired.