#4 The day repeats, eat, sleep and mo… Black thoughts breach my defence Attack my citadel of sense. A cactus thorn, the stylus in my g…
#22 My throat tightening fast The wooden barrier Constricting my passage Heaving, wretching, wretched
#2 The pain in my head A blossoming bruise of past Collisions. It clouds like blood in water
#23 My love is like the countless star… That fascinate eternally. Unlike the moon it never wanes It’s full by beating heart’s decre…
#14 I tread water, weary in the waking… Inflate myself against the swell a… My salt, lost in the overwhelming… Tired.
#18 I lagged behind the museum guide,… languid in the drowsy heat of an I… The achievement of empires lay aro… Reduced to curios.
#27 Heart beat slowed now tasting time passing seeing the co… It flows. Interior life, restrictive and exp…
#7 The fickle finger drags it’s nail… And mocks me with the mirage of lo… They dance on my horizon, double d… Unappetising.
#16 Window sun warms my face, Gently spreading happiness Heating embers of happier times. I close the blinds to shut it off.
Expect and Want I dwell on living’s dos and don’ts… I want to shove them down the thro… I won’t stop at wearing purple, I… Ten miles high across the sky,
You dropped me on the ice Vast expanse before me I was guided to the only building Defiant against the cold The glittering marbled ice blue fr…
#24 I’d rather shit in my hands and cl… Than work towards my heart attack. I’d rather have a root canal with… Than spend another minute with cor…
#26 The problem is I cared too much And those who didn’t care are fine… So many jobs at last too much, They let me and they kept their mi…
#13 Melancholy cradles me yet Folded in arms of gentle sorrow. My baleful companion through the y… You were always there for me.