Leslie English

Nastum Dorma

To those who find no peace in sleep

Dreaming’s not so bad
Except it’s lucid.
It’s unreal unless, of course, I am unawake.
Scurrying spiders, slow to dissolve on waking.
Trying to outrun their fate as reality wobbles in.
It’s the extra feet and ankles that annoy me, getting the knobbly things to behave, particularly when someone is trying to choke you with a battery.
No, this lucid dreaming’s not for me.
Or living on a street inside your dream, the laws of physics flaunted and nothing simple is.
The panic of the real world rivalled by the surreal panic of going outside on the inside of your head.
Off my head, would be a break.
The spots of light on the wall, blink and watch me, willing mine to close, to vent their spleen.
I’m bit, tormented, crying out to wake and wonder who was crying out.
But thankful that they did.


Night terrors, possibly down to meds mix up


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