Leslie English

Life and leaf

A comparison

As the leaf unfurls it’s life into its dessicated fall,
So to do we bend ourselves in pointless toil.
Life’s energy poured into a pension plan,
Insurance meant to last the span.
As we eek out.
Each grows toward the light
Which seems to nourish.
Benign, as we grow tall
A shadow cast at first.
Then withering toward the soil
We fall
Dried and crunching, to make way for the young
Who ape our lives.
Not knowing it’s all been done before.
Already bending to the forest floor.
No worry for the infant leaf,
It lives ignorant.
Not worried for old age relief
Or fearing death.
It lives it’s span
And revels in it’s time, unstressed.
And changes hue and simply
Pirouettes to rest.
The lesson then abides around
Don’t live fearing falling to the ground.
Give gratitude for your greeness.
Before it fades.


Composed simply on purpose


To not know the pain of aging is the first step toward freedom and the smooth transition to the hereafter. Nice poem

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