Leslie English

Dropped in dreams

To those for whom sleep brings no peace

You dropped me on the ice
Vast expanse before me
I was guided to the only building
Defiant against the cold
The glittering marbled ice blue frontage
Drew me with the promise of safety
Entering found half light
Half hope
Half life
A fire half out, ruby embers.
It huddled in a stale corner
couldn’t make it out at first
I crossed the dessicated interior
Drawing close
I saw its shrivelled shrunken sockets
Too late to retreat
Dry eyes snapped open
A lipless grin as it lunged for me
And terrified my eyes open
The unearthly howl in my ears
Most likely mine stayed with me
Back in the safety of my room
I feared it had held me
And had been pulled through
Ruby embers gasped for air
Embedded in the metal light fixture overhead
A mixture of real and unreal, making strange reality for me
I couldn’t feel it’s cloying grasp
But it had stolen sleep
Had it slunk below
Dream logic still presided
I rose and checked and gobbled drugs.
And waited in the silent hours
For the drugs to work
And they worked
And dropped me in the jungle
I was not me but there I was.
Hiding small objects in a shanty town.
But the strangers rolled up in darkened cars.
To beat and steal
Tearing away items and dignity.
Blood pooling on the floor
My dreaming self not long for life
the dreaming world moved on without me.
None saddened by my loss.


Two fragments from one evening's sleep


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