Pragmatic me Doesn’t like this girl You can’t depend on her Too complex to understand She cries at the worst times
A conversation With a true friend Leaves your life richer Maybe with a laugh A smile on your face
I am stronger Than you think I am I am weaker Than I look
He says I could never Get away with murder For I leave Pieces of me everywhere
Filler words Put me to sleep Added to cushion Take away my pillow Blunt words to wake up
The E’s squeak by The I’s are too excited The U’s come after Q But the A’s and the O’s They flow
It’s not that I’m sad Though I am It’s not that I’m discouraged Though I am It soaks deeper
I do not enjoy roller coasters I am not chicken But they say You just have to try it! So I do
Didn’t they know that people cared? That they were loved? Why didn’t someone tell them?
I need to tell you How to survive With our disposition It’s okay to cry Maybe
Que te cuentan un chiste Las palabras se traducen Pero el humor no se puede Por si no lo entiendes Ríete
Uh-Oh! Cranky mood Throws a fit Over cereal Cheerios
If I could draw a tree In all it’s complexity Would you be impressed? If I could draw a human face It would be but a trace
The human heart ...leaps and jumps ...races and sings ...sighs and groans The treacherous heart can
Stubbed toe Red light Ugly words Ugly mouth To shock