Manos fuertes No me sueltan De la cama Yo les digo Me tengo que ir
I am unique In so many ways But while variety excites What we look for Is our common thread
Who am I? I am me When did I Become me? As I recall
My objective is selfish Not to share or be heard To get it out and move on No one seems to hear my pain No one seems to feel my pain
Well-intentioned stranger Eyeing me limp through HEB Why would you ask If I stepped on a nail? How do you know
The pressure inside Is building It comes out through my eyes I stop up the tears It comes out through my nose
I can feel it coming Decisions I can’t make Brain starts to freeze Fingers won’t work Sick of this disease
My body is perfect —ly spotted The white spots I tell myself Are my Bambi spots
If food is poetry The flavors The smells Singing in harmony Is poetry food?
Apathy and incompetence In healthcare A fax they didn’t send Prescriptions delayed Labs to do again
Tomorrow Has not yet come It’s promises yet to be broken Tomorrow Is bigger
Pragmatic me Doesn’t like this girl You can’t depend on her Too complex to understand She cries at the worst times
Mis manchas de Bambi Manchas blancas Cubren mi cuerpo La gente se queda mirando Pero no les da asco
Love is sincere Sincerely Wanting to connect Love makes you crazy Insanity that makes you fly
Beautiful legs The right shape and curve Olive color without the green That tans and doesn’t burn Until you see