The strings that attach me To this world Ground me Yes they sometimes Keep me from flying
Rough day Rough night If I could live In my bath Water would never
It’s not that I’m sad Though I am It’s not that I’m discouraged Though I am It soaks deeper
No hay nada más sincero Que un regalo Inesperado Una carta Un chocolate
Itchy It has to come off Nerves Makes me pick His look
Desperate for his attention Knowing it will drive him away Jealous of a game - how lame Choking self-esteem where I lay Desperate for his affection
To love reading Writing and words And not be able to Communicate Frustrated
Antes lograba tanto Metía horas Sacando lo máximo De cada minuto No he cambiado
How do you measure pain? All is relative and personal Even with one’s own self It is impossible to compare As memory distorts pain
I would never choose To eat a granola bar Or peanut butter crackers Though I eat them All of the time
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
I cannot apologize For writing what I feel inside If it is hard to read It is harder to live I will understand
Restless As I lay in bed Trying to fall asleep These are my clues I might be low
Nothing makes people flee Like reading them poetry They value it in theory But please don’t make them read Surprise me with your verse
Would I rather be A younger me? More productive Stronger Would i have to give up