The pine trees Reach up On both sides Of the road Telling me
I crave stability Neither wandering spirit Nor home-body Yes I’d love to travel But the foundation
Ask any female Love Is in the details I love you Three greatest words
I feel like crap Most days I have a lot going my way I am loved I can smile
Does it hurt? When you prick your finger No I do this just for fun Our fingers lose feeling
Well-intentioned stranger Eyeing me limp through HEB Why would you ask If I stepped on a nail? How do you know
A conversation With a true friend Leaves your life richer Maybe with a laugh A smile on your face
The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
Most women are cooks But a man who cooks Is a chef She cooks over and over To feed the masses
How do I Catch your interest? Once again I know You are bored with me
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
Springtime means Berry pickin’ In warm sun Therapeutic Part of me
We Are me and you Together Two hearts Two minds
Look in the mirror What is it you see? Hazel eyes above your Favorite black dress Looks clean and fresh
My pump Constant companion Of my disease My sensor Resembles a feeding