What if one day I wasn’t there for you? And you were left needing me If I wasn’t there When you woke up
A palomino gallops Beside the highway Look out the window Rides over green hills Through yellow flowers
By nature high-strung But I thought I was strong If not physically, emotionally For things to roll off my back Be mature and take the high road
Good secret Bubbles inside Let me out Bad secret Indigestion
I told everyone About you The ugly beast Inside of me You can’t hide
Traffic Irritation becomes a nightmare As the lines start to squiggle Bending in and out And the world starts its attack
I enjoy his company Riding shotgun Conversation No one to overhear Our inside jokes
Beautiful legs The right shape and curve Olive color without the green That tans and doesn’t burn Until you see
Blonde eyes To match her hair Life is mean She counts her blessings Hopes for the best
Who’s the best? Ask my Daddy He’ll tell you Enthusiastically He always sees
To be a true artist Must they be recluses Crazy mad or sick Or even better dead Show me a healthy artist
I spend all my time Fighting with you In my head If we fought At least it would be
My soft spot My sweet boy I’d do anything for Who convinced me Little boys are the best
I cannot divide My heart Into four pieces Equally Geometrically
Dime ¿Qué es su lengua materna? Ni inglés Ni español Sus padres no hablan inglés