A fresh faced country girl Who pioneers on her bicycle Catches the eye Of a transplant from Houston Love begins through letters
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
Uh-Oh! Cranky mood Throws a fit Over cereal Cheerios
By nature high-strung But I thought I was strong If not physically, emotionally For things to roll off my back Be mature and take the high road
I’m watching a woman in a bikini In great shape with a swollen bell… Play with her puppy named Gatsby A Hispanic family comes The little girl dips her feet in
Didn’t they know that people cared? That they were loved? Why didn’t someone tell them?
Are you ever tired Of just being you? Did you ever Want to be Someone new?
If I was in a beauty pageant My talent would be 'Lefty who writes upside-down’ Beside the contestant Who burps her ABC’s
Does the world need Another book? Another poem? I add one more to the pile To be left alone
She is no longer Part of my life I’ve moved on My life is full With friends
I am stronger Than you think I am I am weaker Than I look
Pretty and dainty Rich girl feet Meant to be Beside the pool They don’t like to work
A noisy restaurant Listen Focus Beyond the dishes The music
A healthy pancreas Is like a transmission Seamlessly shifting gears In type 2 diabetics Wear and tear
Most women are cooks But a man who cooks Is a chef She cooks over and over To feed the masses