Lance Nathan Conrad

When Memories Call


Each night memories come to call,
And we live with them through the day,
Things we had or things we need,
While the mind gets in the way,
When the darkness comes at night,
Does it creep into the soul,
As we struggle to reach the light,
And the heart takes on it’s role.
The mind retreats into the subconscious,
As the heart fuels all our dreams,
Does the heart reach into the darkness,
With the shadows of lightless beams,
Are we provided with fact or fiction,
When we search out the hidden clues,
But the answers live inside us,
With the falses and the trues.
Is it our memories that sustain us,
Are we driven by the things we chase,
Is the effort we spend to hold onto love,
In the long run just a waste,
What opinions do we hold,
When in the mirror we see our face,
Does love live inside the eyes,
Or does it live in some other place.
When dreams arrive in the darkness,
Are they emotions allowed to run free,
Locked away in the daylight,
So others can not see,
There’s nothing to be ashamed of,
Yet our mind erect the guilt,
Though love is something that we feel,
In this house of cards we built.
Love is more than just a dream,
And it’s more than just an emotion,
The mind may tell us to give up,
but the heart retains it’s devotion,
Love is always more than a dream,
Yet it’s somehow less than a nightmare,
As what’s important to the heart,
With the soul is clearly shared.
In every waking moment,
Under the sunlight’s rays,
Love still lives and abides,
Through any nightmare’s haze,
What we hold inside our hearts,
At night can come alive,
It might be battered by life’s storms,
But through any condition love survives.

Other works by Lance Nathan Conrad...
