Lance Nathan Conrad

No One Knows

To Marcy Howard

We can not predict the future;though at times we think we can,
What tomorrow just might hold;is unknown by woman or man,
Yet when the sunlight leaves the sky;I believe tomorrow will be,
Either more of this endless waiting;or you’ll be holding me.
Though I don’t have ESP;tomorrow is held by yesterday.
And not much really matters;beyond the hell today,
Yet the dream I now hold;in the night time comes alive,
While in my waking hours;I wait for the dream to arrive.
At times I disagree with the thought;that tomorrow is unknown,
For if what you have today is strong;each day you see its grown,
I know tomorrow Ill hold you; because I hold you every day,
I realize we each have pain; and love won’t go away.
There are things that no one knows;but consider what we feel,
And if tomorrow is unknown;just like today, our pain is real,
We found each other through loneliness;and each day the feeling grows,
So tomorrow we’ll love each other just like today;and pretend that no one knows.
                 Only you.I found you, you found me!! Love lives.



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