Never surrender, never give up,
Strive to keep your dreams alive,
Love came in long ago,
No waiting for it to arrive,
Close your eyes and dream at night,
Hold your dreams up high,
Hear love whisper to the heart,
Underneath the starry sky.
Hold your dreams close to heart,
With your effort they can be,
And held within a lonely heart,
At night that love roams free,
The shadows grow in the darkened night,
But in that darkness the heart can see,
Showing the way to forge ahead,
As at night you’re holding me.
A search through all the broken dreams,
Yet there are those that life can’t shatter,
At night those dreams are given wings,
And the past’s mistakes do not matter,
Through the day the heart is hidden,
While at night it lives and breathes,
And as every heartbeat echoes out,
In love the heart still believes.
At night it seems the demons sleep,
Because the mind no longer races,
It travels past the scars and fears,
To unfamiliar places,
At night the emotions come alive,
Subdued through the daylight’s hours,
And when the sunlight touches dreams,
We can feel the hearts inner powers.
At night our dreams are our reality,
As we’re lost inside our thought,
That life is just a spiderweb,
And we’re ensnared or somehow caught,
Yet something reaches from deep within,
To turn our hearts around,
As a voice whispers from the darkness,
Believe in the love you found.
At night we’re given clarity,
We’re given back the daylight’s screams,
And as we struggle to justify,
Love is more than it seems,
The past at night becomes our today,
As tomorrow does not exist,
And the person that we were yesterday,
No longer love resists.