Lance Nathan Conrad

A Piece Never Lost


How many pieces equal a person,
And are they so small we can not see,
That the only pieces that matter,
Are the pieces we let free,
What of pieces that are missing,
Or those that we believe are,
Do we spend all our time searching,
When we need not go that far.
Can a part inside go un-noticed,
Or do we see things that are not there,
And if we think there’s something lacking,
Is it proof that we still care,
If a person enters into our lives,
Are they just an extra part,
A piece we pretend we can not see,
Lodged inside the heart.
Every moment of every day,
Each second that passes by,
Is just another little part,
That equals the light inside your eyes,
It’s difficult when you stop and think,
You imagine pieces never there,
With additional pieces hidden,
By the past’s long held fears.
We acquire pieces through the years,
As our mirrors tell the tale,
Love is sparkling in the eyes,
With roots that will not fail,
In our dreams what pieces thrive,
Are they only glimpsed at night,
While we pretend there’s nothing there,
And think we have the right.
Can a piece be missing,
Is there a way to even know,
And if we think a piece is gone,
Why does love still grow,
Love’s a piece that’s never lost,
A piece hearts have and hold,
A thing beginning with three words,
When to you those words I told,
You may not want to recognize,
That we’re human after all,
Though dreams might crumble in pieces,
Love will never fall,
It’s not a piece that’s missing,
And it was acquired with no cost,
Found within two loving hearts,
And it’s love that’s never lost.

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