Lady Mary Wroth

From a Crowne of Sonnets dedicated to LOVE

He that shuns Love, doth love himselfe the lesse,
    And cursed he whose spirit, not admires
    The worth of Love, where endlesse blessednes
    Raignes, & commands, maintain’d by heav’nly fires.
Made of Vertue, joyn’d by Truth, blown by Desires,
    Strengthened by Worth, renew’d by carefulnesse,
    Flaming in never-changing thoughts: bryers
    Of Jealousie shall here miss welcomnesse.
Nor coldly passe in the pursutes of Love
    Like one long frozen in a Sea of yce:
    And yet but chastely let your passions moone,
    No thought from vertuous Love your minds intice.
Never to other ends you Phant’sies place,
But where they may returne with honor’s grace.

Line 3. belssedness: blessedness.


Other works by Lady Mary Wroth...
