My full name is Zachary Jon Davis. I was born in Celebration, Florida. I am currently going into cosmetology but, my goal is to open up my own haunted house! The world of horror and scaring people is where my heart sits and where my heart wants to be.
My full name is Zachary Jon Davis. I was born in Celebration, Florida. I am currently going into cosmetology but, my goal is to open up my own haunted house! The world of horror and scaring people is where my heart sits and where my heart wants to be.
I have never really been someone who shared their work, but I am feeling more open to the idea of letting my work be seen by others. Though skeptical about how other people will view it. Who cares, baring your hearts work is something that everyone should try at least once right?
Haiku's are really fun to write, and they are usually what I am writing. Though I do have a lot of AA BB rhyme schemes in my older work. I'd love to get back into writing newer styles!
If you have any interest in my work then just feel free to message me here, or find a way to contact me!
Have a wonderful day!