Kendra Danielle

I Command You!

This is a poem I wrote talking to the devil telling him to leave me alone.

I command You!!!
Devil, I am a child of god, and I see you.
I see how you are trying to mess up everything I do.
Ever since April 8th, you’ve been attacking me
You’ve been showing me sex, drugs, and negativity.
Since I got set free you got really mad…
But I am holding on to god so my life will get better then It had…
As I sit here, I am beginning to say…
That I command you to go the other way…
Devil, I have a job for you, and that is to let me go…
Because regardless of what you do, I am still a child of god, ya know?
So devil you mine as well stop, cause I am not going back…
Because if I go back you’ll put me back under attack…
As john 10:10 says the thief commeth to kill, steal, and destroy…
And I refuse to let the devil steal all of my joy.
I command you devil to get the behind…
I command you devil to stop throwing bad things in my mind.
I command you devil to set me free,
And I command you devil in the name of jesus, to let go of me!
I command you devil to go away…
I rebuke you in the name of jesus, go the other way!
Devil, I command you, I command you to go…
You’re not going to attack me again… Oh no, Oh no!!

Altre opere di Kendra Danielle...
