I need a map
For I am lost somewhere
In the universe of our skin
Between the beginning and end.
Part 1: Beginning
I know the crevice
Between your shoulder blades
It’s where I like to hide my face
Away from the light of the world
Your warmth pressed to my cheek.
Part 2: Middle
I recognize your hips
As the resting place for my hands
But they continue to travel
Your skin too smooth to ignore
Your bones too tired to move.
Part 3: Lost
My kneecaps rest inside of yours
Our legs melt together once more
You tangle up the many toes
We are no longer individual bodies
And I cannot find my way back.
Part 4: Turning Point
Just as I choose to lose myself
Inside this feeling of escape
You twist and turn over
My face is held in your hands
And your kiss brings me home.
Part 5: End
Once more I find my own skin
As we lay just inches apart
Enough to tell me we are separate
But my beginning is in your touch
And our ends within each other.