1. I can’t believe you exist. 2. I can’t believe you recognize t… 3. I can’t believe we are able to… You’re asleep as you continue to k…
Treading on thin ice Apparently means lets break it With each and every vice You are not who you say you are Kiniving and manipulating everyone
Why can I stare straight at the m… And not at the sun It’s the same calming cocoon I don’t feel from anyone. The feeling overflows and spills
If one could only see, How skewed life can really be, Maybe we would all stop chasing, And learn it’s ourselves we should… Instead of the falsities that fill…
Lately I’ve been dreaming Of all the things I want And all the things I don’t. The problem lies in Deciphering which is which.
There are some people who remind y… Who make you forget what it means… That person who makes your day dre… And any wrong they commit is only… Some people cause you to mistake w…
In the middle of the night When the hands come to strangle And your demons are all in sight You are who you should be And where you should go
While you were sleeping I dreamt… I thought of all of the things We could ever possibly do Our destiny could be endless And to walk away now
Now that I’ve cleansed myself Of the chokehold that possessed me And am falling through space with… I’m beginning to hate this feeling Of gutless plummetting
This form of light is new to me I am blinded by its force Its unremitting strength I am incapsulated by the purity. You are the reason behind my smile
Does your worst anxiety Ever morph into complete boredom And you find you’re more afraid Of the people who know you best Than of the strangers in the room?
I know it’s early In the night You think will never pass But time heals When a memory
I once knew a man, Who knew of many men, These weren’t men I could meet, To only him they would speak. He listened to them day and night,
A future like ours Dims the mediocre past Each day gets brighter And more beautiful than the last.
I need a map For I am lost somewhere In the universe of our skin Between the beginning and end. Part 1: Beginning