Katreena Melo

I'm Sorry

I sit at the table today
I must tell you this before I go away
But I can no longer be with you
It’s not your fault I know we both tried
But to tell you the truth our love has died
I know your happy I can see in your eyes
But if I stay I will only tell you lies
It breaks my heart to tell you like this
I wish I could have one last kiss
But I know if I do I will stay
Then I will die inside, because I wasn’t strong enough  to go away
It’s not your fault it’s not mine
But somewhere someone drew the line and separated our love
God how I wanted to be your dove
You will be ok, you’re so strong
Oh how I thought about this all day long
I’m sorry it has to be this way
Maybe one day you can forgive me
You will love again you will see
I’m sorry I love you, please don’t cry
But today I must tell you goodbye.

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