Katreena Melo


I try so hard to let the past go
But no matter what you wanna go dig it up though
So then i get pist and I wanna fight
You get me so mad sometimes, I can’t sleep at night
No matter what I do
It always seems like I never think it through
The pain, the anger, and all the tears I have cried
All my hate and fear falls back on every time you have lied
To me and my sisters, in the past
Wow, can’t believe how the time has flown by so fast
But it’s like,  for every year that passes, I mentally lose like three
Still no matter what i do or say to you, you still can’t see
I’m still mad, I can’t let it go
I’m still sad, I got to let everyone know
How miserable I am inside
How badly you’ve hurt my pride
No matter how many damn poems I write
I still wanna go find you and fight
You won’t get out of me
Yet i can’t walk away, how I hate that when I look in the mirror its you I see
I can remember every time I would write one, how the pain would leave me alone for a while
But it’s like now every one i write won’t even make me smile
There not good enough, I want more
But really what am I searching for?
Revenge, justice, a place to belong?
That next perfect song?
I’m lost, I really am, but I don’t know what to do now
I can’t find my way or direction, I’m stuck but how?
It’s like I’m just putting words down to fill a page
Like a quick fix to calm my rage
That I have buried inside of me for eternity and can’t escape
Emptiness inside no more can I take
No longer will I take this abuse
All you do is leave me sad and confused.

Autres oeuvres par Katreena Melo...
