How the heavens cry about this spa… I wonder, oh my dear I wonder, wh… Maybe it lingers in the past, mayb… The despair of being me right now… I wasn’t going to look and you mad…
Life is up and down still, I have open a treasure ches… I look all that is done it had take me like forever to kee… This is the chase
I have been the shadows. Scratches covered, Black and blue. My name was a stranger, A foreigner,
I let you have it, because I don’… No more. So many days spent trying, for a l… I ain’t no figurine, I ain’t a ta… I am me, I can’t be wrong.
Oh you dearest! How sudden, how soon. The sky weeps, pain is an understatement. What will we do without your light…
My silence speaks tonight in the darkness of my own despair. I keep it up, I put a bandage in those wounds that nobody cares. They say the sky is the limit, but for heavens God please t...
Oh! How I miss you missing me. Maybe just because it’s not meant… my darling you. What to do with this heart, that f… everywhere, that is ours, always h…
If you for some reason haven’t not… I am crazy about you. You, all of you. Like the sun lov… that he wait patiently for him to… You are my darling, thy God is my…
Voy, con las huellas contando uno… Voy con la cabeza derecha con las… bien puestas. La estupidez se anda comiendo al m… la inteligencia es un gen que no a…
¿Dónde esta escrito que te pertene… No. Te equivoqué, tal vez con mis… Puede ser que mis manos te acarici… Pudo haber sido ese beso dormido q… ¿Porqué venir a mí con títulos de…
Existes, aún en lo imaginario. En esos días huecos, en el pálpito… Existe tu sonrisa, que me levanta;… Con los ojos brillantes y cuando s… La existencia del beso que guardé…
Beautiful you are, as I revive all the cells of encha… you bloom from night till day, refreshing my quemicals, adapting my corpse.
Here in this realm I can flourish… We are, you are, we are. Love deeply, hopeful, grateful. Like a bunch of kids. Being able… Life is sweeter.
Thosedays when my head is blank, with not a clue, hopeless. Yes, we are a bunch of emotions, r… These days were the heart feels co… How much I dislike these days.
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.