How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…
What the hell? What’s going on? I see them, the fakers I mean. All the glam, but empty space. Flash, Flash, Flashes.
This is the time Rise oh rise! You can achieve that dream that’s… Don’t close your eyes, for you wil… Not gonna loose, not this time.
Betrayal is like a sharp knife. You can not heal the wounds that i… The one your heart one chooses, th… You lick and lick the opened wound… Betrayal is the most oldest way of…
You, with all that glamorous thing… What a waste of a human, what a wa… Everyone deadly ground to this lan… Where are we going? What are we going to do when this…
I have been the shadows. Scratches covered, Black and blue. My name was a stranger, A foreigner,
Me iría lejos. A otra luna. Mirar nuevos colores. Y ser yo. No.
Beautiful to see. Playful thoughts, just relax. Open minded, clear. Don’t worry about the past. Don’t worry about yourself.
Please tell her, don’t be sorry. The truth shall set her free. Tell her she is the glory, of the fighting within.
Con los cabellos sal y pimienta, que denotan su esencia. No sé bien el misterio que guarde usted en su pecho, más seguro sé, que su abrazo debe de ser un cuento. Tómelo por estima, este...
Eres la bonita, la dulce encantado… Deleite para los que te aman, aman… Translúcido es tú palpitar que abr… ¡Que vivas hoy y siempre! Madre de todos los seres.
You are in me like the depth of the oceans, clear, vivid. Feeling the furious yet delicate waves of your touch, holding my being, giving me asurance, truthfully, radiants rainbows arise...
This world is filled with nothing… An idea we all are, learning our o… Accept and embrace who you are, wh… The road is located in the illusio… Mark your steps with your light.
Before you go let me kiss you in t… Wash off our nights in love, our f… Above the surface are the hearts h… Let me before you go, vacate the s…
This is the short story of when I… Nothing quite elegant, nothing qui… I have to say that I hated those… Later on, I missed your way of be… For that, I missed your stupid fa…