Beautiful to see. Playful thoughts, just relax. Open minded, clear. Don’t worry about the past. Don’t worry about yourself.
The rising sun reminds me of those… Forever. Word for the ignorance that there… Forever, I love you forever. I might be able to change it to “u…
Raise my heart dor my sprit needs… Like the birds needs the skies. My dear yo are my best half. So do not fall in despair, because…
I love you forever. In the wind I see you, The street talks about how we were… Maybe we needed more time, But you flew and left me being by…
Who knows where she is. Only her, only her. My dearest, my true. Who knows where she is. What a strange time we live,
Soñé que me iba. A las horas tristes, con un boleto… También lo vi viviéndome. Riesgos de carcajadas y alevosía. Que bonito, que perfecta armonía,…
No seguiré buscando, dónde solo ex… No puedo ser esa, suplicando razon… Gracias por el tiempo entregado. Gracias por ser lección. Ahora te suelto, por el bien de lo…
Dónde block my way with your profa… Instead help me to pick up my piec… Don’t be like that butter on the b… I will make it, don’t block me. Step aside from my path.
What a beautiful light you have. Like a chill day under the sun. Refreshing is the view of those sa… Bright idea of what might be. That little boy is extremely extre…
You’ve become my past. A little too late you’re here. You made your way, apart from me. Just be and let be.
Que después me deleite tu mirada y… Que me abrace el despertar de tus… Quiero sentir la lejanía de tus be… Quiero todo lo nuestro tirado en l… Déjame beberte a la despedida, déj…
Si tan sólo pudieras verte desde e… Tú, mi pilar, mi pronto auxilio an… Si tan solo te vieras desde esta n… Desde mis primeros pasos, hasta la… Intento no entrar en melodrama, aú…
Doesn’t matter what you feel anymo… Because you left even by my side. Your not sorry, so save the teardr… It doesn’t matter, not no more. Even though I still remember how…
I saw your entire hell. I really don’t know what the hell. If it was you or me. But the chaos of daring flowed int… Little baby, little boy.
With a whisper of heaven she will… For she is the roots. The soils. The flowers. The moist skin.