My chest is the sky you fly, when life gets tougher, giving me… I look around and all I see is ve… You are a gift from the purest sou… Call it whatever.
It was a waste my darling, my precious time. Caring for someone who didn’t care… It was a waste, a deep despair. I let my soul rest and heal.
This is the beginning of the great… It’s time to say goodbye to what d… Don’t worry you’ll be ok, I was you too... Say it to the world how loved you…
What a time this This is an epic episode of failure… Where’s my love? Where’s my lovely? I walk around in awe,
Oh you dearest! How sudden, how soon. The sky weeps, pain is an understatement. What will we do without your light…
Por tanto tiempo me perdí en la pé… Dormí un largo instante; y al desp… Lejos de la perfección, sometida a… Cuanto te perdí en la búsqueda del… Tuve que cerrar los ojos y ver con…
You are what you want to be. You have it already. That dream is coming true. That love will find you. You are so powerful.
He gave her the sky in a glance. She loved him even when he did’nt… He gave her all he could, from the silver moon, to the sweet surprise.
Yes, I know that smell. This is all over again. The color of ending things, the coldest day, burning tears.
Somos, Seremos. Viva la vida y el amor. Ten fe y esperanza, alcanza el per… Nada más importante,
I crossed your path at the perfect… call it fate, call it inescapablen… The one I waited for so long, I just want to hold you since befo… My willingness to be around your s…
Betrayal is like a sharp knife. You can not heal the wounds that i… The one your heart one chooses, th… You lick and lick the opened wound… Betrayal is the most oldest way of…
Give me a reason to stay Give me a reason to not fade away Give me a reason to love Give me a reason to stand on my ow…
And the night comes... In the midst of a new broken day, Telling a story that is no wonder, It comes with my hopes high. We are just a blow of heaven,
¡Ay criatura insulsa! ¿Cómo es que el encantamiento me h… Si es que fuese una rosa, me secar… He llegado a maldecir los brazos q… Me arrancaría la piel, me vestiría…