Si tan sólo pudieras verte desde e… Tú, mi pilar, mi pronto auxilio an… Si tan solo te vieras desde esta n… Desde mis primeros pasos, hasta la… Intento no entrar en melodrama, aú…
From hereditary heart, we stole the past, come light, come light. All we are is different opinions. You that, me where?
I need you to look inside, very deeply, and see. Take a look at the puzzle of your… look at those mistakes,
You and me rolling around. I might. Entertainment of this mind. Your freedom with mine. No wonder… This grassy grass is all we have.
This is all. The perfect way is you. Sunrise is your smile. Dear is your heart. Look upon the sky.
You look so peaceful, so clear, so… When your smile crosses my sight,… Beat my heart with that calming lo…
Raise my heart dor my sprit needs… Like the birds needs the skies. My dear yo are my best half. So do not fall in despair, because…
I’ve been in a dark place, with no moonlight, in a furious river, in the deepest ocean. Yes, I’ve been there, where all I am was forgotten, wrecked apart. My eyes had felt the open pipe...
Que después me deleite tu mirada y… Que me abrace el despertar de tus… Quiero sentir la lejanía de tus be… Quiero todo lo nuestro tirado en l… Déjame beberte a la despedida, déj…
Recuerdo aquella tarde... Fría, desvelada. ¡Ay cómo decías mi amor! La vida mía. Caminatas por doquier y aún aquell…
Existes, aún en lo imaginario. En esos días huecos, en el pálpito… Existe tu sonrisa, que me levanta;… Con los ojos brillantes y cuando s… La existencia del beso que guardé…
I let you have it, because I don’… No more. So many days spent trying, for a l… I ain’t no figurine, I ain’t a ta… I am me, I can’t be wrong.
Beautiful you are, as I revive all the cells of encha… you bloom from night till day, refreshing my quemicals, adapting my corpse.
You were my biggest regret I don’t use to be a vendetta seeke… I am just a girl that her heart is weaker. Sometimes I wonder why I looked
I am the lightning, the fire. I am the start of my life. I am rising to the universe, I am gliding over hates.