Only you is all you need. You are yours, only you can know better. There’s nobody that can love you like you, only you can face the world with the strength and fierce courage. Only you my love, only you, just you is enough. By KM:::...
Miro al deredor y camino por un mundo falto de esperanza. Veo ojos cansados de luchar y me miro al espejo y ahí noto mi cansancio. Si tan solo en un pensamiento no pusieramos de acuer...
If my day is blue and the heart ac… Will you stay? Even if everything seems to fall a… Will you stay? At times I will be grumpy, intole…
In the corners of my mind there is you there, staring at me for no reason I look at you and I can’t even re…
Cuando llegue la tortura de mi amo… la tontería que fue este junte. Si pasas por el lado del recuerdo… líneas y busca allí lo que el alma… Eramos ciegos, niños enamorados ca…
Those eyes that look at me from in… are those who have the power to ge… They are not quite as usual they are that connection between u… Once I tried to look at them, but…
Hey you, yes you. Come sit down by my side. Let me… some secrets. Deep down my soul there is somethi… name on.
Close to your heart I found the f… of a moment with you and me, just… Giving the night some space to do… ways of making the world a perfect… when I am you and you are me.
A day like today my hero came to t… A day like today my first love, th… A day like today the heavens are r… A day like today I send love and… A day like today the best man I k…
Si tu fueras yo; ¿Cómo sería? ¿Acaso me mirarías con el mismo an… Si tu fueras yo, dime tú; ¿Me aca… Dime; ¿Si fueras yo y yo tú, como… Tal vez en las tonterías de lo cot…
The best of your beauty is what yo… share, is the odd and travel troug… and sour of your being. Beauty is you and still, is nothin… to the sense that makes me wonder…
Love can not be treated simply, cause love its revolution. It’s the revolution of a soul that… A soul that wants to be free with… It’s the magic that moves the enti…
Camina junto a mi, mi amor si ya no se puede ocultar este sentimiento vuela y en sus alas me dejo llevar Se hace fuerte el pedregal
Many say that I’m so wrong, for feeling deeper above them all. Many think I have a crazy mind. But isn’t it the world very crazy… I’m not scared of my heart,
Who knows my heart? Just me, just you. Fear not my love, for this feeling… my gift to you. The treasure that… in the search for.
If you ask for reasons to love you… will go blank. ¿Why? Because there are no reasons clear… that can tell you why.