Taking the days one by one
Trying to figure where the anger’s begun
I hate me and you and all around
Yet we’re all my favorite sound.
As depression kicks in my situation will worsen
Parents reminding me of how I’m such a bad person
“You’re a fuck up you know, it really is true.
I wish there was a way I could get rid of you.
You don’t listen to my rules, you disobey
Your anger never seems to be at bay.
There’s no fixing you either, you’re too fucked up
Go ahead, take another sip from that cup.
How bout a beer? Shot of whiskey or two?
You’re an alcoholic, aren’t you?
I bet you do drugs, fuck every man you can
You little whore, don’t you know where you stand?
You’re the lowest of the low, you runt of the pack
You say you’re so strong but strength you lack.
Quit crying you baby, can’t handle the truth?
Unball that fist before I break your other tooth.
I hate you, you bitch you ruined my life.”
And this is where I’d had enough of her strife.
“You call me a fuck up! Look at you!
No job, no money, what the hell do you do?
Don’t call me a whore, You have no such right.
I have not lived to that title, You can’t pick that fight.
I hate you, I swear, I truly do.
I can’t wait until I’m one million miles from you.
You fucked up your own, a child at sixteen.
It’s not my fault, stop being so mean.
You made the choice, you’re the fool after all
So if you don’t want me let me go, no stall.
I hate this house, you’re ruining me.
My personality, my strength, who I used to be.
Leave me alone and stay far away
Stop trying to control me every which way.
If you hate me so much just let me go
Instead of tearing me down with every fatal blow.”
But you smile and say all is alright.
And maybe all will be until the next night.